About the Team

Whether you’re swimming for fitness, training for competition, or in need of stroke tips, Arlington Masters is the place for you.  We are a fun, social group of individuals of all ages, with practices five times a week at Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center.


9:00am – 10:30am
8:00pm – 9:00pm
8:00pm – 9:00pm
8:00pm – 9:00pm
8:00pm – 9:00pm


Swimmers train in the same lane as others with similar abilities.

  • Lanes 5/6 are faster speeds. These swimmers have typically trained in college and maintain quicker intervals (A set of 100’s are typically completed on a 1:20-1:30 interval).
  • Lanes 3/4 are medium speeds (A set of 100’s are typically completed on a 1:40-1:45 interval).
  • Lanes 1/2 are slower speeds (A set of 100’s are typically completed on a 1:50-2:00 interval).
  • Yardage per practice ranges from 2,700-3,600 yards for 1 hour practices, and 4,000-4,500 meters for 1.5 hour practices, depending on lane speed.
  • New members who wish to practice with us are required to be able to swim 100 yards freestyle in under 2 minutes.
  • If you don’t think you are quite at the Masters level, try one of the Arlington County Adult Level Swim Classes or Private Swim Lessons.